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Mollie meets Spike
Meet Spike, the penguin with the colorful hair! In this interview, Mollie and Spike talk about his home, friendship and if there are hairdressers at Antarctica.
Mollie meets Ruby the Rainbow Witch
Mollie Meets Ruby, the rainbow witch! Follow this adorable conversation between two book characters about imagination and magic.
50 Fun Trivia Questions For Kids
Playing trivia is a great way to spend time with the whole family, to sharpen your kid’s mind, and increase their knowledge about the world around them. Snuggle onto the couch or settle around the dinner table, grab some healthy snacks, and have fun! Here are 50...
Our first “real” Christmas
I say it: I’m the most Christmas loving girl on this planet. I could watch Hallmark movies all year long, I can’t barely wait for Thanksgiving to be over to start decorating our house and I’m planning presents already in summer. The foundation to this was being laid...
Blocks and Giggles
Jumbo blocks are always a sure way for a lot of giggles in our house! There are endless possibilities to use them. You can build the highest towers, the longest roads, and use them for imaginative play. Here are just a few ideas my kids came up using them - they built...
Mollie meets Little Mouse
Meet Mollie and Little Mouse and follow the two book characters in their adorable conversation about animal friends and why Little Mouse was really sad.
Fun Halloween crafts for preschoolers
Halloween is around the corner! Maybe you have decorated your house in full spooky monster-ghost-spider-style already but your kids still complain it's not enough. Or your windows still show the flower decoration you created with them back in spring. (I hear you, I've...
Mollie meets Winnabelle from “Princess Winnabelle And The Friendship Pie”
Hi Winnabelle! Or shall I call you Princess Winnabelle? I’ve never met a princess before! You’re sweet. Winnabelle is fine. I’m so excited to meet you! Tell me more about your kingdom! Do you have ice cream shops there? Ice Cream. Who doesn’t love ice cream?! We...
A twins birthday
Today is my daughters' birthday. It’s been three years already since those tiny humans crashed into our life, time flies! (In case you wonder why I'm saying 'crashed': they only needed 4 hours but that’s another story ) I’m sitting here while the birthday girls are...
Mollie meets Charli from “Oodles and Oodles of Noodley Noodles”
Hi Charli, it's so lovely to meet you! I really want to know one thing: Why do you love noodles so much? Hi Mollie! Oh, this is easy! I love noodles because they are so yummy and soft, squishy, fun to eat and play with. My favorite is to eat them plain, with spaghetti...
“Mollie’s Magical Tooth” – meet Mollie
Hi Mollie, how are you? I hope you’ve gotten enough sleep after your exciting adventure! I’m fine, thanks! I’ve caught up some sleep, but my mom is waking me up way too early every morning! What did you enjoy most on your journey to Magic Land? Oh, I loved everything;...
In every challenge lies an opportunity
Hi, book lovers! It’s wonderful to see you reading my first blog post! For those who don’t know me, allow me to introduce myself very quickly. It won’t be long, I promise! My name is Jana, I’m a German girl who’s currently living with her husband and three little...