I’m back! When you follow my Instagram account you might have already noticed that I wasn’t very active there with my business. This had a couple of reasons. As you know, I’m a mom of three little girls, an expat living in the US and I’ve started writing my own books...
Thoughts & book recommendations
Take a break with read alouds
You have read all the books in your house several times already. You have downloaded free ebooks. You have read them thousands of times already as well. You love reading to your child, you love the cuddles, the exploring, the giggles, and the wonders. But there are...
Magical books and activities
Kids love books that have some magic and inspire them! Here are a couple of magical books and activities your kids will love, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did during my research for this blog post! Ruby the Rainbow Witch (the ebook is free at the moment!) Ruby...
Free Kindle Ebooks to entertain your kids
As a mom, I know how hard it will get during the next weeks - having your kids at home while you are trying to work from your home office and keep your sanity. I’ll share a couple of blog posts over the next weeks with book recommendations, free downloadable...
Children’s books about love – not only for Valentine’s day
Everybody needs to be shown that he is loved, not only on Valentine's day. But this special day is a great opportunity to take a break from the busy week, cuddle up with your child and read one of the lovely books that tell stories about love, acceptance, and...
2019 – That’s a wrap!
Today is the last day of the old year, of a whole decade. I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, my way of life is: If you don’t like something, change it now and don’t wait until a particular date. If you’d like to learn something new, start now. But I’d like...